Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Started my fall cleaning

September 1.....where did the summer go to...

I started my fall cleaning yesterday......I wanted to get the wooden beams wiped down and just put the baskets back up without anything else....I was tired of looking at the clutter...

I had to dig out my 15ft ladder so I could reach the beams without falling....It doesn't look that high when your looking up but when your at the level of the beams looking down its a little scary...

I took everything off the beams and wiped them down with Murphy's Oil soap and then only put my baskets back up....I finished up with three of the beams yesterday.....two more to go today...

These pictures are the three that's cleaned and rearranged....

So I off to finish up the wooden beams and start wiping down my walls .....I got started cleaning the windows yesterday inside and out in the living room ....Washed the curtains and hung them out to dry in the warm breeze that was blowing yesterday....
Today the mantel is going to get a new makeover so stay tuned ....hopefully tomorrow I can post some pics....
Everyone have a great day...
Until next time......Trena

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